A little about everything

From here to mommyhood was conceived while I was pregnant with my daughter, Hadley. Since Im still getting a hang of 'mommyhood' and all other things that go along with it, why not have a few laughs and how-to's along the way?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Edible Play-Doh!

 Lets be honest here, what parent hasn't had that awkward experience where their child so innocently picks off a little corner of play-doh and sticks in their innocent little mouths and you (the parent) watch in ABSOLUTE HORROR? Hmm, NO ONE. Even Mary Poppins couldn't avoid this one, people. 

So, not that its any better but why not make it taste good (ehrm, salty and fruity is good, right?) and also make it with NO chemicals? "What, how is this possible?" You might be asking your computer screen, cocking your head slightly to the right. Hold on dear readers, for I shall share a great recipe!

This is what ours looked like completed!
Please Note: Mason Jar is not included in the recipe. You'll need to find your own. I like mine and don't share. Ask my mom, seriously. DO. NOT. SHARE.

Anywho- On to the recipe, now that I've wasted enough of your precious time....

You will need: 
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup cold fruit juice (apple, grape, etc.) 
1 Table spoon vegetable oil
Food coloring (totally optional here, but my child really likes bright colors)

Mix flour and salt together, then add oil and juice. Knead together then add food coloring. Continue kneading until food coloring is even throughout. 

Now, the first time I made this- I made two batches thinking I would need one for each color. WRONG-O. One batch yields three softball sized globs of play doh.

Store it in an air tight container (or a ziploc baggie if you're like me).

Happy dough playin' y'all! See, (erhm, read) ya next time!

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